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DBS Organisation Check

Step {{ step }} of {{ steps }}
{{ progressStep }}

Getting Started

DBS check online has a completely electronic online system which enables organisations / employers to manage their Disclosure applications with the DBS (formerly the CRB) throughout The U.K.

How it works

  • Complete form below
  • Verify and upload your documents

Employer Details

{{ errors . first('employer_contact_name') }}
{{ errors . first('employer_id') }}
{{ errors . first('email') }}
{{ errors . first('email_confirmation') }}
We will use this email address to update you on the progress of the application.

Employee Details

{{ errors . first('title') }}
{{ errors . first('first_name') }}
{{ errors . first('surname') }}
The date of birth field is required, and you must be at least 16 .
{{ errors . first('nationality_at_birth') }}
{{ errors . first('dual_nationality') }}
{{ errors . first('second_nationality') }}
{{ errors . first('county_of_birth') }}
{{ errors . first('country_at_birth') }}
{{ errors . first('town_of_birth') }}
{{ errors . first('gender') }}
{{ errors . first('phone') }}

Employee Questions

{{ errors . first('nationality_changed') }}
{{ errors . first('new_nationality') }}
{{ errors . first('nationality_changed') }}
{{ errors . first('birth_surname') }}
{{ errors . first('birth_forename') }}
The date is required.
{{ errors . first('known_by_other_name') }}
{{ errors . first('gender') }}
{{ errors . first('other_name') }}
The date is required.
The date is required.
{{ errors . first('unspent_convictions') }}
{{ errors . first('mothers_maiden_name') }}

Employee Information

The following fields are not all compulsory however, providing them may assist with your application and at least one is required.

{{ errors . first('know_ni_number') }}
{{ errors . first('ni_number') }}
{{ errors . first('know_passport_number') }}
{{ errors . first('passport_number') }}
{{ errors . first('passport_country') }}
You must enter the passport issue date.
{{ errors . first('know_driving_licence_number') }}
{{ errors . first('driving_licence_number') }}
{{ errors . first('driving_licence_country') }}
{{ errors . first('driving_licence_type') }}
You must enter the driving licence valid from date.
You must answer yes to at least one of the questions
{{ errors . first('how_many_addresses_last_5_years') }}

{{ index === 0 ? 'Current Address' : 'Previous Address' }}

{{ errors . first('building_name_number_' + index) }}
{{ errors . first('street_name_' + index) }}
{{ errors . first('town_' + index) }}
{{ errors . first('county_' + index) }}
{{ errors . first('postcode_' + index) }}
{{ errors . first('country_' + index) }}
The date is required.
The date is required.
You must complete the full 5 years address history.
{{ (standard_price * 1.2) | currency }}
{{ timescales . standard }}

DBS Check Type

Not sure on which check? Find out which check

How would you like to Verify your ID?

Digital ID
Say Goodbye to Manual ID Checking with our quick & easy Digital ID process.

{{ (digital_id * 1.2) | currency }}

  • Most Popular
  • Fastest Way to Verify ID
  • Upload ID & Take a Selfie
  • Get Instant Results!
  • Keep your ID Secure
Post Office ID Check
Local Post Office’s offer an ID Checking Service.


(pay at post office)
  • Scan & Print your ID
  • Visit your Local Royal Mail Post Office
  • Make a Payment
  • They will Verify Your ID
  • Send us your Verified Documents
Manual Verification Process
You can manually verify your ID for Free.


  • ID Checking Form needs to be completed by a 3rd party (we will email you the form).
  • Send us your ID Checking form along with 2 ID Documents.
  • Usually takes 24 hours from when received.

Would you like to upgrade your order?

{{ errors . first('workforce_type') }}
{{ errors . first('position_applied_for') }}
{{ errors . first('employer_name') }}
{{ errors . first('working_with_adult_regulated_activity') }}
{{ errors . first('working_with_children_regulated_activity') }}
{{ errors . first('isa_check') }}

Enhanced check plus checks the adult barring list for those that are carers, nurses, doctors etc - the ISA typically comes back quicker (usually within 12-72 hours).

{{ errors . first('identity_check') }}

Feel confident in your employees' identities and your protect your business against fraud.

{{ errors . first('adverse_credit_history_check') }}

Make well-informed recruitment decisions with credit checks.

{{ errors . first('dvla_check') }}

Check and validate your employees' licences to avoid financial liability.

{{ errors . first('right_to_work_check') }}

Check your employees' against an up-to-date system to help prevent illegal working.

{{ errors . first('payment_method') }}

Review the employees details

Title {{ data . step_1 . title }}
First name {{ data . step_1 . first_name }}
Middle names {{ middles_names }}
Surname {{ data . step_1 . surname }}
Date of birth {{ Object . values(applicationForm . data . step_1 . dob) . join('/') }}
Email {{ data . step_1 . email }}
Mobile Phone Number {{ data . step_1 . phone }}

For us to complete your DBS check - we need your consent

You must accept to continue.
You must accept to continue.
You must accept to continue.
You must accept to continue.
You must accept to continue.
You must accept to continue.
You must accept our terms and conditions to continue.

View our terms & conditions

{{ total | currency }}

Total amount to pay

Edit Your Order

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